Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thing 23. The End of the Beginning

Wow. It has been so cool ( if confusing at times) learning about all of the technology out there. And I know that what I experienced was A. just a drop in the bucket, and b. will soon be obsolete as they have already invented nano bots who will take my job :) ( hyperbole!!! I hope...)

But it has been a great and awesome journey. I can't wrap my head around anything too groundbreaking so I will answer the questions so kindly provided on the list of things.

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

It's so hard to pick one. But I think it would have to be thing 15. The ideas about the future and the YouTube video about the present completely blew my mind. We are living in the future. The future is now. that's a terrifying and liberating thought.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

It really opened my eyes to what was out there. And not just that but that I was capable of learning it! I've never been a hugely technologically adept person. I have to call my friend in order to set up my DVD player. I discovered that I COULD do it, and that it was fun to boot!

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

Hmmm. I guess the previous point I made. Just how much fun it was. Also, that things that seem hard and scary ( words like RSS, feed, pod cast, blogs) aren't so difficult when you learn how they work. Hopefully that will stick with me.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

I think the entire set up is awesome, but like everything there can be improvement. While there is a lot of instructional information included with every weeks tasks I think some way of communicating between the participants would be really great. people could share their progress, help out people who need it, and just network. Possibly a message board and/or chat room?

And last but not

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?

Absolutely! The entire thing was just fantastic. If I've learned anything it's how much there is I have to learn. I'd love to take another trip . :)

How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program?

I learned that technology can be fun! And that things aren't as hard to learn as they appear at the beginning.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

We are way out of order now! Thing #12

Hello! This is your friendly neighborhood procrastinator! I have gotten an account with Rollyo .

I have also made my own search engine! Voila! Nepalman's Videogame search engine! I am no t truly a video game Friend but I do have certain games I am truly obsessed with. Using this search engine I can search my favorite sites for information on my obsession. I must admit that Rollyo had me somewhat intimidated which is why, I left it to this late date. But really I should not have been intimidated. Getting an account was easy and so was "rolling up" a search engine.

The problem is I don't like it. :(

I am a terrible speller. Google has saved me, time and time, again with it's handy spellchecking feature. Rollyo does not have that. I can see the uses that Rollyo could have. For one thing, it also has social networking features of a sort. You can look at other peoples search engines (if they are public.) I just don't think it's my cup of tea. But I 'm glad I did it!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

week 9, thing 22. Audiobooks

Here we are... At the penultimate thing. I'm trembling. We've come so far, so soon. ... "we've always just begun"...

Ahem. My apologies.

I went ahead and signed up for both NetLibrary and Overdrive and I looked around at what they had available. I don't have a device to download an audiobook into so I would be listening to it from my computer but its still a cool service. I took a look at "The Golden Compass" by Phillip Pullman. the cool thing is Phillip Pullman narrates it! I really like that book, I recommend it.

Week 9. thing 21. Podcast A-go-go!

Wow. It is amazing to me that we are all nearing the end of the 23 things. it has been an awesome journey. I know how to embed YouTube videos now! I never had that knowledge before. Well, this week my assignment was to check out a few podcast finding tools and subscribe to a podcast.

I chose to check out, and While they were both useful, I preferred It just seemed easier to navigate and more user friendly. I signed up for a few podcasts that looked interesting. I Play Dungeons & Dragons ( among other games) so I subscribed to "The Tome" which seems like a cool podcast about role playing.

I don't have a microphone, so I couldn't do the optional make your own podcast assignment, but I think podcasts are quite spiffy. I think I might actually listen to them on a regular basis now. And the great thing is, now I know how to do it I can help a patron who has questions about finding podcasts.