Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 9, thing 20. You tube. I tube. We all tube...

As part of this Thing's discovery exercises I've been exploring YouTube. It isn't my first time I must say. I mostly look for music videos ( the originals and fan ones). I was rocking out to "Major Tom" just the other day. Oh, and "glory of Love". But there is also things of a more educational nature too!

This is a cool video I found about Banned Book Week at a particular school. I've always wanted to celebrate Banned Book Week and I think my system should! Also, we should have cool buttons like that...

I like the Way YouTube is organised. You can either search for something specific or browse by categories. If there is a particular source of videos you think are interesting you can subscribe to them. Videos have "tags" like I discovered before. I love tags. :) And you can rate videos. The site displays recent favorites on the front page. I will say... That caution is indicated for YouTube. There is a reason many videos have not Not Safe For Work on them...

I think that library catalogs should also have different ways to search for materials. We should have the traditional search functions, but we could also have categories. If people could rate books on our catalog we could have a page of favorites! Our system is going to get AquaBrowser soon which should be interesting. it features a "word cloud" kind of a model which can be very useful to provoke new trains of thought. Here is the Baltimore County Public Library catalog. Is not that cool?! And if you prefer the old view, it still has that. I think it's going to be awesome having that in my system.

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